BLOG NAME: Cuteness Overload!
FEATURED DESIGNER(S): DS'Elles, Tantrum & Kunglers
Sweeter than my lollipop!
Today I'm wearing:
HEAD: Lelutka Ceylon 4.0
SKIN/SHAPE: DS'Elles Piya Lune @Cosmopolitan
DRESS: Toksik - Rejoice Dress
HAT: Toksik - Rejoice Hat
HAIR: Sintiklia - Daigo Hair
EARRINGS: Kunglers - Agnes Earrings @Cosmopolitan
NAILS: Tantrum - Mad Metallics
EYES: Avi-Glam - Enticement Eyes BOM 01
POSE: Pixit Oh Lolli Lolli (includes lollipop)
Piya skin comes with shape and is compatible with all Lelutka, Catwa and AKADVX EvoX compatible heads. Shown on Ceylon. Comes in 7 DS'Elles tones & 7 Velour tones.
Agnes earrings come in small and large and color HUD has color options for beads, gem and metal.
Manon Rings are rigged for Legacy, LaraX, Prima, and Reborn. Comes with unrigged resizable version also. Color HUD has color options for gems, beads and metals.
Mad Metallic fingernails are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn & Kupra and have 10 metallic colors. Matching toenails available. Sold together or separate. Comes with color booster to match any outfit.