Saturday, January 25, 2020

My Korner #183 - Waiting for his call!

 BLOG NAME:  Waiting for his call!
DESIGNERS:  Salt & Pepper,  Supernatural & Avada

I am here on an afternoon stroll while I wait for his call.  I hope he calls soon because I'm getting really hungry and we planned to go for dinner.

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  S&P Britney top FATPACK
SWEATER:  S&P Mable cardigan FATPACK
PANTS:  S&P Britney pants FATPACK
EARRINGS:  .::Supernatural::. Charlotte Set Fatpack
EYESHADOW:  Avada~ Evanora Eyeshadow

Britney top and pants and Mable cardigan are rigged for Freya, Legacy and Maitreya.  Cardigan comes in 10 colors, top in 10 colors and pants in 8 colors. Or get the mega pack with all color choices and huds to mix and match.

Charlotte Earrings come in gold or silver metals with HUD to change gem colors.

Evanora Eyeshadow has appliers for Catwa, Genus, LAQ, & Lelutka and comes in 12 colors.


Salt & Pepper Mainstore & Salt & Pepper Marketplace

Supernatural Mainstore & Supernatural Marketplace

Avada Mainstore & Avada Marketplace

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My Korner #1482 - Happy AF!

BLOG NAME:   Happy AF!  FEATURED DESIGNER(S):  DS'Elles & Kunglers  Yes, happy AF and single AF!  Today I'm wearing: HEAD:  Lelu...