Sunday, May 15, 2022

My Korner #894 - Conifer Bay!

BLOG NAME:  Conifer Bay! 
DESIGNERS:  Vinyl Apparel, Tram & Avada

If you look close, you can see that the wild critters have "No Trespassing" signs on every tree.

Today's Features:
TOP:  VINYL - Plague Doctors Band Tee Pak Fatpak @K9
PANTS:  VINYL - Eve Wide Leg Pants Pak Fatpak @K9
HAIR:  tram L0508 hair / FATPACK
NAILS:  Avada~ Stiletto Nails - Daire

Plague Doctor Band Tee and Eve Wide Leg Pants are rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Petite, Reborn and Kupra.  Top comes in 18 colors or fatpack.  Can be worn with or without graphic.  Pants come in 18 colors or fatpack and can be worn with and without belt.

Daire nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Slink & Maitreya and come with applier hud with 17 amazing shiny colors.  And you can paint each nail a different color or all the same.

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My Korner #1482 - Happy AF!

BLOG NAME:   Happy AF!  FEATURED DESIGNER(S):  DS'Elles & Kunglers  Yes, happy AF and single AF!  Today I'm wearing: HEAD:  Lelu...