Saturday, July 18, 2020

My Korner #335 - Look Over There!

BLOG NAME:   Look Over There!
DESIGNERS:  Salt & Pepper & ACT5

I'm trying to get him to go over there and I think he understands. 👍👍

We were promised there weren't sharks in these waters!  Had we known, we wouldn't be here now!!!!  We hope he's not a maneater!  We don't want to be his next meal!

Today I'm wearing:
SWIMSUIT:  S&P Oceanic top & panties
SNORKEL: S&P Oceanic snorkel (his and hers)
MASK:  S&P Oceanic Mask (his and hers)
FINS: S&P Oceanic Fins
POSE:  ACT5-565-Couple Snorkeling Holding Hands Pose

Oceanic is a gacha set.  The top and panties are rigged for Freya, Legacy & Maitreya.  Comes in pink, black, red, aqua, yellow, and rare.  The rare has white and and sheer.  Oceanic is water sensitive. If it gets in contact with SL default water it will turn wet, drip and will also dry in the sun again.


Salt & Pepper Mainstore & Salt & Pepper Marketplace

ACT5 Marketplace

Posed with me is Crann, check out his blog:  Crann's Blog


  1. Gorgeous photo, wonderful location too, may I know where it is please?

  2. Hello there, I'm very sorry. I just noticed your comment. The location does not exist any longer.


My Korner #1482 - Happy AF!

BLOG NAME:   Happy AF!  FEATURED DESIGNER(S):  DS'Elles & Kunglers  Yes, happy AF and single AF!  Today I'm wearing: HEAD:  Lelu...