Thursday, April 29, 2021

My Korner #557 - Friendship!

BLOG NAME:   Friendship!
DESIGNERS:   FashionNatic, Salt & Pepper & Avada  

If you go looking for a friend, you will find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you will find them everywhere! 

Today We Are Wearing:
LEFT (Shaki):
DRESS:  FashionNatic - Rylee Dress Fatpack @Uber
HEELS:  FashionNatic - Rylee Heels Fatpack @Uber
NAILS:  Avada ~ Ballerina Nails - Why Choose

RIGHT (Wanna):
TOP: S&P Farah Top Red @Uber
PANTS:  S&P Farah Pants @Uber

Rylee set is rigged for Freya, Legacy, Maitreya & Petite.  Comes in 12 single colors or fatpack.  Rylee heels are sold as fatpack and entire set available in the Buy All Pack.  10 more top textures available in the Mystery Box for the Fatpack or Buy All pack.

Farah set is rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya and Petite.  Top sold in 12 colors or fatpack and pants are sold in 10 single colors or fatpacks. 

Why Choose nails are rigged for Belleza, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink, Signature and Tonic.  Applier HUD has 17 dark tones.  You will see more of these nails.



My Korner #1482 - Happy AF!

BLOG NAME:   Happy AF!  FEATURED DESIGNER(S):  DS'Elles & Kunglers  Yes, happy AF and single AF!  Today I'm wearing: HEAD:  Lelu...