Thursday, January 27, 2022

My Korner #803 - Today is a Good Day!

BLOG NAME:  Today is a Good Day! 
DESIGNERS: InsurreKtion, LSR Originals , Tantrum, Monso & Avada

And tomorrow will be even better!  Yes, Friday! 

Today's Features:
DECOR:  [IK] Family Command Center @Tres Chic
TOP:  [ LsR ] - Sexy Raina Shirt Fatpack
SHOES:  Tantrum - Bibi Tenni's - Fatpack
HAIR:  [monso] Sunmi Hair 
NAILS:   Avada~ Stiletto Nails - Snow Dreams

Family Command Center set includes the following pieces in alpha order:  calendar, clock, frame, home sign, in mail holder, iron radiator, list, mail holders set, menu, monogram box, out mail holder, pay mail holder, plain mail holder, today sign, updated calendar.  High quality mesh, low land impact, copy and mod.  

Raina shirt is rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya and Petite.  Comes in 20 colors or fatpack and each color has 3 styles (gold accents, silver accents or polka dots).  Super cute and sexy! 

Sunmi hair comes with 3 head sizes, 4 breast sizes and 3 bang styles.  Available in 3 color sets (black & red, brown and blond & mix and pop).  Super fun hair! 

Bibi tenni's are rigged for Legacy, Belleza, Maitreya and Inithium and comes in darks, lights or fatpack with bonus textures like this watermelon version.

Snow Dreams nails are rigged for Legacy, Belleza, Maitreya, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Applier HUD has 10 wonderful patterns.


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My Korner #1492 - Art of Self-Expression!

BLOG NAME:    Art of Self-Expression! FEATURED DESIGNER(S):  DS'Elles, Kunglers & Tantrum ✨ Embracing elegance and innocence with my...