Saturday, July 31, 2021

My Korner #641 - Flamazing Flamingos!

BLOG NAME:  Flamazing Flamingos! 
DESIGNERS:  HautePinay & Avada

Flamingos are truly so beautiful to me!  

Today the girls are wearing:
DRESS:  HautePinay - Low Back Dress/Panty [FLAMINGOS & TOUCANS]
NAILS:  Avada~ Stiletto Nails - Classic Colors - Set 2

Low back dress is rigged for Freya, Hourglass & Maitreya.  Includes 2 versions (flamingos & toucans).  
Such a darling summer dress.

Avada classic colors nails comes with 3 sets, light, medium and dark.  Showing set 2.  These nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Slink & Maitreya.


My Korner #640 - Tropical Paradise!

BLOG NAME:  Tropical Paradise! 
DESIGNERS:  LSR Originals & ACT5

Paradise is not a place, it's a state of mind.

Today I'm wearing:
BIKINI:  [ LsR ] - Sexy Kiara Bikini Fatpack @Beauty Event
POSE:  ACT5-686-Female Model 51 Pose

Kiara bikini is rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Petite, and Kupra,  Bikini comes in single colors or fatpack. Big fatpack includes bikini and Kiara heels shown on My Korner #636.


Friday, July 30, 2021

My Korner #639 - Bluegrass Makes Me Happy!

BLOG NAME:   Bluegrass Makes Me Happy!  
DESIGNERS:  InsurreKtion, 1 Hundred, Avada & ACT5

The banjo is such a happy instrument.  You can't play a sad song on the banjo! 

Today's Features:
DECOR:  [IK] Wabi-Sabi Corner @Cosmopolitan
LEAF PAINTINGS:  [IK] Wicker World - Watecolor A &C
RATTAN TABLE:  [IK] Ethnic Collection II - Rattan Table
POTS/PLANT:  [IK] Ethnic Collection II - Pots
TOP/SHORTS:  1 Hundred. Pink Lady. Melon
NAILS:  Avada~ Stiletto Nails - Urlare
POSE:  ACT5-685-Female Playing Banjo (avail 7/31)

Wabi-Sabi Corner set includes bench, oar, piece of bark, vase with branches and wicker plates.  Additional pieces added from the wicker world and ethnic sets.

Pink lady top and shorts are rigged for Freya, Hourglass, Legacy, Maitreya.  Comes in blush, fuschia, hot pink, melon and pink.

Urlare nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Comes with nail applier HUD with 10 fun textures.


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

My Korner #638 - Stay Wild!

BLOG NAME:   Stay Wild! 
DESIGNERS:  Arty Creations, United Colors, Tantrum, TaoX TaTToo & ACT5 

Never let them tame you! 

Today's Features:
MOTORCYCLE:   VR 750 by Arty Crea
SKIRT:  UC_Daisy_skirt_all in 1_Legacy_Maitreya
HEELS:  Tantrum - Dulcie Heels - Fatpack 
BODY TATTOO:  TaoX TaTToo - I m Not Always
ANKLE TATTOO:  TaoX TaTToo - Bad Bitch
POSE:  ACT5-684-Female Motorcycle Lean 2 Pose

VR 750 Motorcycle is ACS 6.02 scripted.  Comes with color change HUD with 4 color options.  Male and female versions.

Daisy skirt is rigged for Legacy & Maitreya.  Comes in single colors or fatpack with skirt, tights and button change options.

Dulcie heels are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya & Inithium.  Fatpack HUD offers 4 changeable parts with 15 color choices.

Im Not Always tattoo has appliers for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Omega, Signature, Slink, Vista Hands and BOM.

Bad Bitch tattoo has appliers for Belleza, Legacy Classic, Maitreya, Omega, Signature, Slink, TMP and BOM.


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

My Korner #637 - I Feel Like Dancing!

BLOG NAME:  I Feel Like Dancing! 
DESIGNERS:  FashionNatic & Avada

I'm in the mood to dance!

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  FashionNatic Madelyn Top Fatpack Colors @Cosmopolitan
OVERALLS/SHORTS:  FashionNatic Overall Shorts Fatpack Jeans @Cosmopolitan
HEELS:  FashionNatic Platforms Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
NAILS:  Avada~ Stiletto Nails - Aurora 

Madelyn set is rigged for Legacy, Maitreya & Kupra.  Top comes in 12 colors, overall/shorts come in 12 single colors or 6 denims or fatpack and platforms sold as fatpack.  Entire collection available in the megapack.

Aurora nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Slink and Maitreya.  Comes with nail applier with 17 different colors and each finger can be painted separately.  Love these!


Monday, July 26, 2021

My Korner #636 - Weekend Getaway!

BLOG NAME:  Weekend Getaway!  
DESIGNERS:  InsurreKtion, 777 Motors, LSR Originals & ACT5

Honey, please take my picture and then I'll take yours! 

Today's Features:
DECOR:  [IK] Bali Set
VEHICLE:  [777] WOMBI @Summer Camp
BIKINI:  [ LsR ] - Sexy Kiara Bikini Fatpack @Beauty Event
HEELS:  [ LsR Shoes] - Sexy kiara Platforms Fatpack @Beauty Event
POSE:  ACT5-561-Couple Model & Photographer Pose 

Bali Set by InsurreKtion includes wood mosaic, stool (adult & PG), 3 planters (sm, md, lg), old planks, oar showcase, oar rack, hanger, deco bowl, coffee table, candlestick, cabinet, buyos, boards deco and armchair (adult & PG). 

Wombi by 777 Motors is ACSv7 with realistic sounds.  openable doors, openable windows, customizable license plate, seats 7 with animations, redirect, show/hide roof and luggage rack, color options for upper and lower body and rims with lots of colors plus custom colors.

Kiara bikini and heels are rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Petite, and Kupra,  Bikini comes in single colors or fatpack and heels sold as fatpack.  Big fatpack includes bikini and heels.


My Korner #635 - Little Things!

BLOG NAME:    Little Things!
DESIGNERS:  Rapture & Avada

There are so many little things in life to appreciate!  Enjoy them! 

Today I'm wearing:
DRESS:  RAPTURE-Dress Aquatic-Midnight 
NAILS:  Avada ~ Ballerina Nails - Why Choose

Aquatic dress is rigged for Freya, Legacy, Hourglass, Isis, Maitreya and Physique.  Comes in 12 beautiful colors.  Showing midnight.

Why Choose nails are rigged for Belleza, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink, Signature and Tonic.  Applier HUD has 17 dark tones.  You will see more of these nails.


Saturday, July 24, 2021

My Korner #634 - Down By The Sea!

BLOG NAME:   Down By The Sea! 
DESIGNERS:  FashionNatic & Avada

Smell the sea and feel the sky! 

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  FashionNatic Collete Top
PANTS:  FashionNatic Collete Jeans 
SHOES:  FashionNatic Collete Heels
TATTOO:  Avada~ Tempest Tattoo BOM

Collete Set is rigged for Freya, Legacy & Maitreya. Top comes in 12 colors or fatpack.  Pants come in 12 colors or 6 denim colors or fatpack and heels come in full color pack.  Or get the megapack.


My Korner #633 - Eternity!

BLOG NAME:   Eternity!
DESIGNERS:  United Colors, Avada & Vortex

A moment standing still forever! 

Today I'm wearing:
SKIRT:  UC_Camilia_skirt
NAILS:  Avada ~ Stiletto Hecate Nails

Camila set (bodysuit, gloves, stockings, and skirt) are rigged for Legacy, Perky, and Maitreya.  Bodysuit, gloves and stockings are 1 piece and skirt is another piece with toggle on/off options.  Comes in single colors or fatpacks.  What a gorgeous outfit.

Hecate nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Comes with 10 patterns.

Vortex lips 4.0 are for Lelutka Evo and come in 3 colors. Applier HUD.


Thursday, July 22, 2021

My Korner #632 - Sharing Strawberries!

BLOG NAME:  Sharing Strawberries! 
DESIGNERS:  1 Hundred., Monso, TaoX TaTToo

He likes strawberries!  But who doesn't?

Today I'm wearing:
TOP/SHORTS:  1 Hundred. Let's Have Fun. Pink
HAIR:  [monso] Windy Hair @ Kustom9
PELVIC TATTOO:  TaoX TaTToo - Pelvic Teddy Bear Zipper

Let's Have Fun top and shorts are rigged for Freya, Hourglass, Legacy & Maitreya.  Comes in blush, fuschia, lilac, pink, sky and violet.  Showing pink.

Windy hair has 3 bang styles and comes in 3 color sets (blonde & brown, black & red, and mix & pop).  Unrigged and resizable.

Tattoos has appliers for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Omega, Signature, Slink, TMP and BOM. Comes in 3 intensities.


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

My Korner #631 - Meet My Friends!

BLOG NAME:  Meet My Friends! 
DESIGNERS:  InsurreKtion, Adorsy, Salt & Pepper, Avada & TaoX TaTToo

Aren't they adorable?

Today's Features:
ROBOTS:  [IK] Cute Bots Gacha Set @ebento
TOP: Adorsy - Nolana Top Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
PANTS: S&P Farah Pants Fatpack
NAILS:  Avada~ Ballerina Nails - Proud
TATTOO:  TaoX TaTToo - Chest You & Me
BACKDROP:  Synnergy//Rainfall City Backdrop

Cute Bots gacha set includes 9 bots (8 common and 1 rare).  High quality very low prim.  Super cute! 

Nolana top is rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Petite and Kupra.  Comes in 12 colors or fatpack. 

Farah pants are rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya and Petite.  Comes in single colors or fatpack.

Proud nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Comes with applier HUD with 10 colorful fun patterns.

You and me tattoo comes with appliers for Belleza, Maitreya, Omega, Signature, Slink, TMP and BOM.  Comes in 3 intensities.


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

My Korner #630 - Rainy Afternoon!

BLOG NAME:  Rainy Afternoon!
DESIGNERS:  United Colors, Avada & ACT5

Rainy afternoons are made for staying home and having an extra date night! 

Today I'm wearing:
DRESS/LEGGINGS:  UC_aNet_Dress_all in 1_Legacy_Maitreya @Black Fair
NAILS:  Avada ~ Stiletto Hecate Nails
POSE:  ACT5-679-Couple Sexy Stand 2 Pose

UC aNet Dress and leggings are rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya and Petite.  Comes in 13 single colors or fatpack.  HUD gives the option to add/remove sheer, panty and leggings.

Hecate nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Comes with 10 patterns.


Monday, July 19, 2021

My Korner #629 - Hot Tubbin!

BLOG NAME:  Hot Tubbin! 
DESIGNERS:  FashionNatic, Avada & Gravity Poses

Happiness is a long hot bubble bath! 

Today I'm wearing:
SWIMSUIT:  FashionNatic - Susan Swimsuit Fatpack
NAILS:  Avada~ Stiletto Nails - Sanura 
POSE:  Gravity Poses - Stay @TLC

Susan swimsuit comes in 12 single colors and fatpack.  Part of a set that includes shorts and shoes.  Susan set is rigged for Freya, Legacy and Maitreya.  See My Korner #317 for entire set.
Sanura nails are rigged for Belleza, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink, and Tonic.  Come with applier HUD with 10 fun patterns.  These nails are so much fun! 


Sunday, July 18, 2021

My Korner #628 - Fabulous Life!

BLOG NAME:   Fabulous Life!
DESIGNERS:  Adorsy, Avada & TaoX Tattoo

I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always summer?

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  adorsy - Nolana Top Fatpack
SHORTS:  adorsy - Nolana Denim Shorts Fatpack 
SUNGLASSES:  adorsy - Nolana Sunglasses Fatpack - Unrigged
NAILS:  Avada ~ Stiletto Hecate Nails
TATTOO:  TaoX TaTToo - Chest You & me

Nolana top and shorts are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Petite and Kupra.  Top comes in 12 colors or fatpack.  Shorts come in 12 colors, 12 denims or fatpack.  Sunglasses are sold separately and unrigged but can be worn on jean pockets.  Entire collection available in the buy all pack which includes Nolana wedges.

Hecate nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Comes with 10 patterns.

You and me tattoo comes with appliers for Belleza, Maitreya, Omega, Signature, Slink, TMP and BOM.  Comes in 3 intensities.


Saturday, July 17, 2021

My Korner #627 - You ♥ Me!

BLOG NAME:  You ♥ Me!
DESIGNERS:  FashionNatic, Monso, Avada, TaoX TaTToo & ACT5

And Me ♥ You! 

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  FashionNatic - Elodie Top Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
HAIR:  [monso] Ruda2 Hair @Fameshed
NAILS:  Avada ~ Stiletto Hecate Nails
TATTOO:  TaoX TaTToo - Chest You & me
POSE:  ACT5-676-Couple Sitting on Wall 2 Pose

Elodie top is rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Petite and Kupra.  Comes in 12 colors and is part of a set that includes skirt and heels.  See My Korner #625 for entire set.  

Ruda2 hair has 2 fun style options and comes in 3 color sets (black & red, brown & blonde or mix & pop.  Unrigged and script resizeable.  Love this hair! 

Hecate nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Comes with 10 patterns.

You and me tattoo comes with appliers for Belleza, Maitreya, Omega, Signature, Slink, TMP and BOM.  Comes in 3 intensities.


My Korner #626 - Walking Together!

BLOG NAME:  Walking Together! 
DESIGNERS:  Giz Seorn, Tantrum, Avada & ACT5 

Since the day you walked into my world, I cannot walk without you! 

Today I'm wearing:
DRESS: GIZ SEORN: Rosalie Dress [FatPack] @Cosmopolitan
SHOES:  Tantrum - London Heels - Fatpack
NAILS:  Avada ~ Ballerina Nails - Why Choose
POSE:  ACT5-333-Couple Holding Hands 5 Pose

Rosalie dress is rigged for Freya, Legacy, Perky, Hourglass, Maitreya and Petite.  Comes in single colors or fatpack.

London heels are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink and Inithium.  Comes in basic packs or fatpack with bonus colors.

Why Choose nails are rigged for Belleza, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink, Signature and Tonic.  Applier HUD has 17 dark tones. 


Thursday, July 15, 2021

My Korner #625 - Power Nap!

BLOG NAME:   Power Nap! 
DESIGNERS:  FashionNatic & Monso

Taking naps sounds so childish.  I prefer to call them horizontal life pauses.

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  FashionNatic - Elodie Top Fatpack
SKIRT:  FashionNatic - Elodie Skirt Fatpack Jeans
SHOES:  FashionNatic - Elodie Heels Fatpack
HAIR:  [monso] Windy Hair @ Kustom9

Elodie set is rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Petite and Kupra.  Top comes in 12 colors, skirt comes in 12 colors and 6 denims and heels are sold as fatpack.  Get the entire collection in the buy all pack.

Windy hair has 3 styles and is unrigged and script resizable.  Comes in 3 color sets (black & red, brown & blond and mix & pop).


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

My Korner #624 - I Love Dolphins!

BLOG NAME:   I Love Dolphins! 
DESIGNERS:  777 Motors & ACT5

I'm a tourist!  I didn't want to look back on today and say I didn't capture this moment watching the dolphins play.

Today's Features:
CAR:  [777] Sunrise 
POSE:  ACT5-677-Female Sexy Car Sit (avail 7/15)

Sunrise car has ACSv7 with realistic sounds, redirect, seats 4, openable doors, trunk and hood with detailed engine, customizable license plate, and lots of color options.


Monday, July 12, 2021

My Korner #623 - Rebellious Redhead!

BLOG NAME:  Rebellious Redhead!  
DESIGNERS:  Punk Army Corp, Avada, Six Feet Under & Vortex

Know the rules so you can break them effectively! 

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  [Punk Army] Hallie top Sexy Edition.
PANTS:  [Punk Army] Anarchy Jeans II classic.
NAILS:  Avada ~ Stiletto Hecate Nails
CHOKER:  SFU - Ringweave Choker
EYELINER:  Vortex Liner 5.0
EYELASHES:  Vortex Lashes 15.0
LIPSTICK:  Vortex Lips 19.0

Hallie top is rigged for Freya, Legacy, Isis, Hourglass, Maitreya, Petite, Physique & Venus.  Comes with color HUD with 5 shirt colors and 4 designs.

Anarchy jeans are rigged for Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Legacy, Maitreya, Physique, Signature and Venus and comes with color HUD with 4 pants colors and 4 belt colors.

Hecate nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Comes with 10 patterns.

Ringweave choker comes with and without RLV scripted and size scripted and comes with hud to change 4 parts and 7 colors.

Lipstick, liner and lashes for Lelutka Evo.  Liner and lashes are tintable.  Each come with 3 styles.


Saturday, July 10, 2021

My Korner #622 - Weekend Fun!

BLOG NAME:  Weekend Fun! 
DESIGNERS:  Scandalize, Avada & ACT5

We're getting a little pale!  Time to get some rays! 

Today I'm wearing:
NAILS:  Avada~ Stiletto Nails - Zahavah
POSE:  ACT5-675-Couple Hold His Arm 3

Narafox set is rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Petite and Kupra.  Top and panties come in 20 colors or fatpack (you get top and panties in solid and polka dots).  Shorts come in 20 denims or fatpack and wedges are sold as fatpack.  Get the entire collection with extra patterns for only 799L for a limited time at Vanity Event.

Zahavah nails are rigged for Belleza, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink and Tonik and come with applier HUD with 17 colors.  Love these nails.  


For Male Fashion, Visit: Joe's Flickr

Friday, July 9, 2021

My Korner #621 - It's Five O'Clock!

BLOG NAME:   It's Five O'Clock! 
DESIGNERS:  Rapture, Monso, Avada & Vortex

It's five o'clock somewhere!  Time for a martini! 

Today I'm wearing:
TOP/PANTS:  RAPTURE-Outfit Phifi-FatPack 
HAIR:  [monso] Mabel Hair 
NAILS:  Avada~ Stiletto Nails - Classic Colors - Set 3
EYELINER:  Vortex Liner 5.0
EYELASHES:  Vortex Lashes 15.0
LIPSTICK:  Vortex Lips 6.0

Phifi outfit is rigged for Freya, Legacy, Hourglass, Isis & Maitreya.  Comes in 11 gorgeous colors. 

Mabel hair has 2 styles and is available in 3 color sets (brown&blonde, mix&pop and black&red).

Avada classic colors nails comes with 3 sets, light, medium and dark.  Showing set 3.  These nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Slink & Maitreya.

Lipstick, liner and lashes for Lelutka Evo.  Liner and lashes are tintable.  Each come with 3 styles.


Thursday, July 8, 2021

My Korner #620 - Loving Life!

BLOG NAME:   Loving Life! 
DESIGNERS:  LSR Originals, Monso, Avada & Vortex

Just a wildflower in love!

Today I'm wearing:
DRESS:  [ LsR ] Sexy Julia Dress Fatpack @Unik
HAIR:  [monso] Jenn Hair @ C88
NAILS:  Avada~ Stiletto Nails - Classic Colors - Set 3
FRECKLES:  Vortex Freckle 3 
EYELINER:  Vortex Liner 5.0
EYELASHES:  Vortex Lashes 15.0

Sexy Julia Dress is rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya and Petite.  Comes in 20 single packages which includes both a solid dress and flower dress or comes in fatpack with 2 color huds for solids and flowers with 6 changeable parts.

Jenn Hair has 2 hair styles, 3 head sizes and 3 breast options.  Available in 3 color sets (blonde & brown, black & red, and mix & pop).

Avada classic colors nails comes with 3 sets, light, medium and dark.  Showing set 3.  These nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Slink & Maitreya.

Vortex freckles are BOM.  Liner and lashes for Lelutka Evo and are tintable.


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

My Korner #619 - Feeling Beautiful!

BLOG NAME:  Feeling Beautiful! 
DESIGNERS:  Salt & Pepper & Avada

Feeling beautiful has nothing to do with what you look like! Be your own kind of beautiful! 

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  S&P Brandy Top Fatpack @WLRP
SKIRT: S&P Brandy Skirt Fatpack @WLRP
NAILS:  Avada ~ Stiletto Hecate Nails

Brandy top and skirt are rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya and Petite.  Each piece comes in 12 colors or fatpack with all 12.  Megapack available also.  This set is gorgeous! 

Hecate nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Comes with 10 patterns.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

My Korner #618 - I'm Drunk AF!

BLOG NAME:  I'm Drunk AF! 
DESIGNERS:  1 Hundred, Monso & Avada

Is it still the 4th of July? 

Today I'm wearing:
TOP/SHORTS:  1 Hundred. Drunk AF. Black @WIP Event
HAIR:  [monso] Rosie Hair 
NAILS:  Avada~ Ballerina Nails - Solanine - Colors

Drunk AF top and shorts are rigged for Freya, Legacy, Hourglass, Maitreya & Kupra.  Comes in black, cherry, fuschia, lime, navy, pink, tangerine and violet.

Rosie hair comes with 3 style options (long bangs shown, short bangs and no bangs).  Available in 3 color HUDs (black&red, brown&blonde & mix&pop). Great hair! 

Solanine nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya and Slink and come with nail applier HUD.


Monday, July 5, 2021

My Korner #617 - A Nauti Girl!

BLOG NAME:  A Nauti Girl!
DESIGNERS:  InsurreKtion & FashionNatic

Lives here with her Bad Buoy! 

Today's Features:
DECOR:  [IK] Coastal Bench Set
TOP:  FashionNatic Rose Top Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
SHORTS:  FashionNatic Rose Shorts Fatpack Jeans @Cosmopolitan
SHOES:  FashionNatic Rose Heels  @Cosmopolitan

Coastal Bench Set includes bench (adult or PG), 2 coral statues and lantern and 9 framed art.  Copy/mod.

Rose set (top, shorts and heels) are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya and Kupra.  Top sold in 12 colors, shorts come in 12 colors and 6 denims and shoes are sold as fatpack.  Entire collection plus many more textures available in the buy all pack.


My Korner #1490 - Ready to Tip-Toe!

BLOG NAME:     Ready to Tip-Toe!  FEATURED DESIGNER(S):  777 Motors Nothing beats a day on the farm surrounded by these gorgeous tulips! 🌷...