Friday, March 31, 2023

My Korner #1182 - Beauty!

BLOG NAME:    Beauty! 

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." — Vincent Van Gogh

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  adorsy - Nellie Top Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
2ND TOP:  adorsy - Nellie Ruffle Top Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
SHORTS:  adorsy - Nellie Senim Shorts Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
NAILS: Avada ~ Ballerinoa L'amour Nails
HAIR:  Doux - Irene Hairstyle
EYES:  Avada Fallon Eyes Forest BOM
NECKLACE:  Avaway Amour Necklaces Set
RINGS:  Kunglers Betsy Rings
BRACELETS:  Kunglers Nora Bracelets
BACKDROP:  Foxcity Photo Booth Picnic

Nellie set (top, ruffle top, and shorts) are rigged for Legacy, Nerido, Maitreya, Petite, Reborn, Juicy and Kupra.  Top comes in 12 colors or fatpack, ruffle top comes in 12 colors or fatpack and shorts come in 12 colors or 12 denims or fatpack.  Matching heels also available as fatpack.  Entire collection in the Buy All Pack.

L'amour nails are rigged for Belleza, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink and Tonic and come with applier HUD with 10 fun designs.
Fallon eyes come with EvoX applier or BOM and come in 11 colors.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

My Korner #1181 - Firece & Fabulous!

BLOG NAME:    Fierce & Fabulous! 

We say do what you want, be what you are and never apologize. Never stop being you.

Today I'm wearing:
DRESS:  Meva Daiki Dress Complete @Neo Japan
SHOES:  Meva Daiki Shoes @Neo Japan
SOCKS:  Meva Daiki Socks @Neo Japan
EYES:  Avada Fallon Eyes Forest BOM
HAIR:  Doux Yana Hairstyle
NAILS:  Avada~ Square Nails - Dangerous Beauty
HOLDING:  Tentacio - Lotus Flower & Marina Bag

Daiki set (dress, shoes and socks) is rigged for Legacy, Maitreya and Petite and each comes with full color HUD.  Such a fun set.

Dangerous Beauty nails are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Belleza, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Color HUD has 4 colors and 3 patterns.  Fun nails.
Fallon eyes come with EvoX applier or BOM and come in 11 colors.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

My Korner #1180 - Road Closed!

BLOG NAME:   Road Closed! 

It's break time! 

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  AsteroidBox. Anya Top Glitter
PANTS:  AsteroidBox. Agnes Pants Yellow Plaid
TATTOO:  TaoX TaTToo - Akiyiki Yori 
HAIR:  Truth Loved
RINGS:  Badwolf Ragnarock Rings

Omni socks are unisex and rigged for Belleza Gen.X Classic, Curvy, Belleza M, Kario Fit/Flex, Kupra, Legacy M/F, Maitreya, Reborn, SG Davis, SG Gianni, TD Baby, Lullabeebs Infant and Bebe Youth.  Ladies come in flat and high.  So many lengths to choose from.  Sock appliers are solid, acid wash, OG and ombre textures.

Doxov boots are rigged for Legacy M/F, Belleza M/F, Davis SG, Kupra, Reborn, Toddle and Youth.  Comes in single colors or fatpack.
 Akiyiki Yori tattoo has appliers for Belleza, Catwa, Genus, Legacy, Maitreya, Omega Evolved, Reborn, Signature body and head, Slink, Vista and BOM for all bodies and Catwa, Lelutka, EvoX, Signature other heads.

Monday, March 27, 2023

My Korner #1179 - Responsibility!

BLOG NAME:  Responsibility! 
FEATURED DESIGNERS:  Adorsy, Versov, Avada & Never Totally Dead

With a great hat comes great responsibility! Now who has been painting on the furniture?

Today's Features:  
TOP: adorsy - Candice Top Fatpack
SHORTS:  adorsy - Candice Denim Shorts Fatpack 
HAIR:  Doux Luz Hairstyle
HAT:  Ananas// Squirrel Head - Candy
EYES:  Avada Fallon Eyes Forest BOM
NECKLACES:  Avaway I Love Music Necklaces set
CABINET (behind me):  Never Totally Dead -  Who let the kid alone ???
CURTAINS:  Never Totally Dead -  Valpennac Curtains 
DOG:  [Rezz Room] Box Shiba Inu Adult Animesh FATPACK

Candice top and shorts are rigged for Legacy, Nerido, Maitreya, Petite, Reborn, Juicy and Kupra.  Set includes jacket and boots also.  Top and jacket come in 12 colors or fatpacks, shorts come in 12 colors or 12 denims or fatpack and boots are sold as fatpack.  Buy all pack includes all.  See My Korner #1116 for entire set.

Omni socks are unisex and rigged for Belleza Gen.X Classic, Curvy, Belleza M, Kario Fit/Flex, Kupra, Legacy M/F, Maitreya, Reborn, SG Davis, SG Gianni, TD Baby, Lullabeebs Infant and Bebe Youth.  Ladies come in flat and high.  So many lengths to choose from.  Sock appliers are solid, acid wash, OG and ombre textures.

Boardov sneakers are rigged for Bebe Youth, Belleza Gen.X/M, Kario, Kupra, Legacy F/M, Lullabee Infant, Maitreya, Reborn, SG David and TD Baby.  

Fallon eyes come with EvoX applier or BOM and come in 11 colors.

Who let the kid alone cabinet comes in 4 versions (clean with decor, clean no decor, painted  with decor and painted no decor). 

Valpennac curtains are scripted with 22 preloaded textuers.  2 types, open or semi open and 4 sizes.  Non scripted set also included with tintable white satin. 

Sunday, March 26, 2023

My Korner #1178 - City Lights!

BLOG NAME:   City Lights! 

My heart beats for the city lights! 

Today I'm wearing:  
OUTFIT:   Yasum Mei Top @ Neo Japan
HAIR:  [monso] Poisonous Hair @ Neo Japan
NECKLACES:  Avaway I Love Music Necklaces set

Mei Megapack includes top, pants, belt/waistbag and boots.  Top and pants come in 5 single colors or fatpacks and boots and belt are sold as fatpacks.  Entire collection in the megapack with even more fun textures.  See my Korner #1177 for entire set.

Poisonous hair has 4 head sizes, 4 breast sizes, 2 styles, optional bangs and two-tone HUD.  Comes in 3 color sets (black/red, blonde/brown and mix/pop) or fatpack.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

My Korner #1177 - Abundance!

BLOG NAME:   Abundance! 

Fish are a symbol of wealth in Chinese culture. The Chinese character for fish is yu (traditional Chinese: 魚; simplified Chinese: 鱼; pinyin: yú). It is pronounced with a different tone in modern Chinese, 裕 (yù) means "abundance".

Today I'm wearing:  
OUTFIT:   Yasum Mei Megapack @ Neo Japan
HAT:   Yasum Samurai Hat
HAIR:  S-Club Gia Fatpack
NAILS:  Avada ~ Stiletto Reves Sombres 
NECKLACES:  Avaway I Love Music Necklaces set
BRACELETS/RINGS:  Avaway Letter Bracelets & Rings

Mei Megapack includes top, pants, belt/waistbag and boots.  Top and pants come in 5 single colors or fatpacks and boots and belt are sold as fatpacks.  Entire collection in the megapack with even more fun textures.

Reves Sombres Stiletto nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Applier HUD has 10 great patterns.

Friday, March 24, 2023

My Korner #1176 - Patio WiFi!

BLOG NAME:  Patio WiFi! 

I'm grateful for WiFI that reaches out to my patio! 

Today I'm wearing:  
TOP:  Yasum Bonny Top @Uber opens 3/25
SKIRT:  Yasum Bonny Skirt @Uber opens 3/25
BELT:  Yasum Bonnie Belt @Uber opens 3/25
BOOTS:  Yasum Bonnie Boots @Uber opens 3/25
HAIR:  Sintiklia  - Hair Kimmy
EYES:  Avada Fallon Eyes Brown BOM
NAILS:   Avada ~ Square Morocco Nails
NECKLACES:  Avaway I Love Music Necklaces set
BRACELETS/RINGS:  Avaway Letter Bracelets & Rings

Bonny top, skirt, belt and boots are rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Petite and Reborn. Comes in single colors or fatpacks.  Such a great outfit! 

Morocco nails are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Belleza.  Color HUD has 10 gorgeous appliers.  Love these! 

Fallon eyes come with EvoX applier or BOM and come in 11 colors.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

My Korner #1175 - Swing Life!

BLOG NAME:    Swing Life!  

Never too old to play on a seesaw or swing through the air.

Today I'm wearing:  
JUMPSUIT:  [ LSR ] Sexy Halima JumpSuit PushUp Fatpack @Beauty Event
BOOTS:  [ LSR Shoes ] Sexy Halima Boots Fatpack @Beauty Event
HAIR:  Doux - Giggle Hairstyle & Stealthic Bangs
EYES:  Avada Fallon Eyes Brown BOM
NAILS:   Avada ~ Square Morocco Nails
NECKLACES:  Avaway I Love Music Necklaces set
BRACELETS/RINGS:  Avaway Letter Bracelets & Rings

Sexy Halima Jumpsuit and boots are rigged for Legacy/Perky/Nerido, Belleza GenX Classic/Curvy and  Reborn/Juicy.  Sold by regular or pushup breasts.  Jumpsuit comes in 10 single colors or fatpack and boots sold as fatpack.  Big fatpack and mega fatpack also available with lots more color options.

Morocco nails are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Belleza.  Color HUD has 10 gorgeous appliers.  Love these! 

Fallon eyes come with EvoX applier or BOM and come in 11 colors.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

My Korner #1174 - Ruggedly Sexy!

BLOG NAME:     Ruggedly Sexy! 

The only thing better than a leather jacket, is a matching leather skirt! 

Today I'm wearing:  
TOP/JACKET:  Meva Della Top @Cosmopolitan
SKIRT:  Meva Della Skirt @Cosmopolitan
HAIR:  Sintiklia - Hair Hilde Blacks & Browns
EYES:  Avada Fallon Eyes Brown BOM
NAILS:   Avada ~ Square Morocco Nails
BRACELET:  Kunglers - Leeza Bracelet
EARRINGS:  AsteroidBox. Billi Earrings

Della set is rigged for Legacy, Maitreya and Petite.  Top and jacket can be worn together or separate.  Both come with color change HUD with lots of fun textures.  So sexy and beautiful.  

Morocco nails are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Belleza.  Color HUD has 10 gorgeous appliers.  Love these! 

Fallon eyes come with EvoX applier or BOM.  Come in 11 colors.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

My Korner #1173 - Life-Sized Doll!

BLOG NAME:    Life-Sized Doll! 
FEATURED DESIGNERS:  Asteria, Tantrum & Avada

I’m the lone life-sized doll you can’t play with.

Today I'm wearing:  
TOP:  Asteria Liza Top Fatpack
PANTIES:  Asteria Liza Panties Fatpack
BOOTS:  Tantrum Madrid Boots @Dollholic
HAIR:  Doux - Luz Hairstyle
NAILS:   Avada ~ Square Morocco Nails
EYES:  Avada Fallon Eyes Brown BOM
BRACELETS/RINGS:  Avaway Letter Bracelets & Rings Set
NECKLACES:  Avaway I love Music Necklaces set 

Liza top and panties jacket are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Perky, Petite, Reborn, Freya, Kupra and Hourglass.  Comes in 12 single colors or fatpacks.  So sexy and beautiful! 

Madrid Boots are rigged for Legacy, GenX Classic/Curvy, Maitreya, Reborn and Kupra.  Boots come in 3 basic color packs or fatpack with bonus colors.  

Morocco nails are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Kupra, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Belleza.  Color HUD has 10 gorgeous appliers.  Love these! 

Fallon eyes come with EvoX applier or BOM.  Come in 11 colors.

Monday, March 20, 2023

My Korner #1172 - Monkey Business!

BLOG NAME:   Monkey Business! 
FEATURED DESIGNERS:  777 Motors, Versov, Monso & Avada

Why do monkeys like bananas?  

Today Features:  
MOTORBIKE:  [777] Old Friend [multi color] @TMD
CHIMP:  [Rezz Room] Box Chimpanzee Summer Baby Animesh
TOP:  RKKN Camila T-Shirt DarkGrey
OVERALLS:  RKKN Camila Jumpsuit Camo 3
HAIR:  [monso] Kalina Hair
EYES:  Avada Fallon Eyes Brown BOM
LIPSTICK:  Avada Madison Lipstick Applier @Dollholic
BRACELETS/RINGS:  Avaway Letter Bracelets & Rings Set
NECKLACES:  Avaway I love Music Necklaces set 

Old Friend Motor Bike has ACSv7 with 2 realistic sound sets, projector light, odometer, speedometer, global fuel system, customizable license plate and texture options for tank, fenders, set and optional cargo box.

Omni socks are unisex and rigged for Belleza Gen.X Classic, Curvy, Belleza M, Kario Fit/Flex, Kupra, Legacy M/F, Maitreya, Reborn, SG Davis, SG Gianni, TD Baby, Lullabeebs Infant and Bebe Youth.  Ladies come in flat and high.  So many lengths to choose from.  Sock appliers are solid, acid wash, OG and ombre textures. 

Doxov boots are rigged for Legacy M/F, Belleza M/F, Davis SG, Kupra, Reborn, Toddle and Youth.  Comes in single colors or fatpack.

Kalina hair has 2 hair/hat options, 4 head sizes plus unrigged resizable, 2 styles and two-tone HUD.  Comes in 3 color sets (black/red, brown/blonde, mix/pop) or fatpack.  

Fallon eyes come with EvoX applier or BOM.  Come in 11 colors.

Madison lipstick is for EvoX and comes in 3 lip sizes with 6 colors each in 3 shades, 18 total.

Answer:  Because they have appeal! 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

My Korner #1171 - Sunflowers!

BLOG NAME:   Sunflowers!

Sunflowers make my heart smile! 

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  RKKN Camila T-Shirt DarkGrey
OVERALLS:  RKKN Camila Jumpsuit Camo 3
HAIR:  [monso] Jay2 Hair 
EYES: Avada Fallon Eyes Brown BOM
LIPSTICK:  Avada Madison Lipstick Applier @Dollholic
NAILS:  Avada~ Stiletto Nails - Reves Sombres
BRACELETS/RINGS:  Avaway Letter Bracelets & Rings Set
POSE:  BellePoses - Melissa 5

Jay2 hair comes in 2 styles.  Unrigged and script resizeable.  Comes in 3 color sets (black & red, blond and brown and mix & pop).

Fallon eyes come with EvoX applier or BOM.  Come in 11 colors.

Madison lipstick is for EvoX and comes in 3 lip sizes with 6 colors each in 3 shades, 18 total.

Reves Sombres Stiletto nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Applier HUD has 10 great patterns.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

My Korner #1170 - Body Art!

BLOG NAME:     Body Art! 
FEATURED DESIGNERS: LSR Originals, Avada & Tantrum

“ Our bodies were printed as blank pages to be filled with the ink of our hearts.” 

Today I'm wearing:
OUTFIT:  [ LSR ] Sexy Samia Suit PushUp Fatpack @Bloom
SHOES:  [ LSR Shoes] Sexy Clara Mules Fatpack @Bloom
HAIR:  Doux Luz Hairstyle
NAILS:  Avada~ Stiletto Nails - Reves Sombres
ANKLETS:   Tantrum - Sanoma Anklets - Fatpack
BRACELETS/RINGS:  Avaway Letter Bracelets & Rings Set
NECKLACE:  Avaway I love music necklaces set
TATTOO:  .: CORAZON:. Tattoo DIANA  :.
TOENAILS:  Tantrum - GG Kiss Me Reds - Fatpack

Sexy Samia set (top, panties, skirt and mules) are rigged for Legacy/Perky/Nerido, Maitreya/Smash, GenX Classic/Curvy, and Reborn/Juicy.  Sold in double packs (solid and pattern) by regular or push up breasts in single colors or fatpack.  Shoes sold as fatpack.  Big fatpack includes all.

Reves Sombres Stiletto nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Applier HUD has 10 great patterns.

Sanoma anklets are rigged for Legacy, Belleza, Reborn, Maitreya & Inithium.  Rivets & straps change via HUD. Comes with shoes.

Tantrum GG Kiss Me Reds toenails are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Erika, Reborn and Kupra and come with 10 shades of red.

Friday, March 17, 2023

My Korner #1169 - Happiness!

BLOG NAME:    Happiness! 

Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination! 

Today I'm wearing:
TOP: Yasum Yordy Top
HAIR:   [monso] Suse Hair   
FACE TATTOOS:  TaoX TaTToo - Face Kawaii Blush 2

Suse hair comes in 4 rigged head sizes and 1 unrigged script resizable.  Has 2 hairstyles and two-tone HUD.  Comes in 3 color sets (brown/blonde, black/red and mix/pop).  

Kawaii Blush 2 tattoo has appliers for EvoX, BOM, Catwa, Genus, Lelutka Original, Omega Evolved, Slink and Vista Face.  Comes in 3 intensities.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

My Korner #1168 - I'm Invisible! No Pinching!

BLOG NAME:  I'm Invisible! No Pinching! 

According to folklore, you get pinched on St. Patrick's Day for not wearing green because green makes you invisible to leprechauns. The leprechauns can't see me! 

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  adorsy - Jenny Top Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
SKIRT:  adorsy - Jenny Skirt Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
HAIR/BANGS:  Barberyumyum P13 & P14
NAILS:  Avada ~ Stiletto Reves Sombres
BRACELETS/RINGS:  Avaway Letter Bracelets & Rings
NECKLACE:  Orsini Jwelry Farrah Necklace
BACKDROP:  Amitie Essentiel Backdrop

Jenny top and skirt are rigged for Legacy, Nerido, Maitreya, Petite, Reborn, Juicy and Kupra.  Top comes in 12 colors and skirt comes in 12 colors or 12 denims.  Set includes matching ankle boots, now shown.  Buy all pack includes all plus many bonus textures.

Reves Sombres Stiletto nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Applier HUD has 10 great patterns.


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

My Korner #1167 - The Villa!

BLOG NAME:    The Villa!  

I need a six month long vacation twice a year.

Today I'm wearing:
DRESS/BRA:  Meva Aspen Dress & Diamond Bra @Fameshed
HAIR:  WINGS-HAIR-ES0308 Variety 
NAILS:  Avada ~ Stiletto Reves Sombres
BRACELETS/RINGS:  Avaway Letter Bracelets & Rings

Aspen Dress and Diamond Bra can be worn together or separate and are rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Petite and Reborn and each have full color HUDs with lots of fun textures.

Reves Sombres Stiletto nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Applier HUD has 10 great patterns.


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

My Korner #1166 - Sitting Pretty!

BLOG NAME:    Sitting Pretty!  

A nice place to park my bum! 

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  Meva Cayenne Top Black @The Arcade
PANTS:  Meva Bad Liberty Pants 
HAIR:  Doux Rain Hairstyle
CHOKER:  AsteroidBox Aluna Collar Fatpack
NAILS:  Avada Bento Nails (S) - Nudes 
TATTOO:  .: CORAZON:. Tattoo DIANA  :.

Cayenne top is rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya and Petite. This piece is part of a gacha set.  Each piece comes in black, browns, camel and white.  Shirt in plain or pattern.  You can't go wrong with this gacha set.

Bad Liberty Pants are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya and Reborn.  Pants HUD has 5 changeable parts with 10 colors.
Avada bento nails are rigged for Legacy, GenX, Maitreya, Kupra and Reborn and have 4 lengths and come in nude tones in 4 shades (ultra light, light, medium and darks).


Monday, March 13, 2023

My Korner #1166 - Couch Potato!

BLOG NAME:     Couch Potato! 
FEATURED DESIGNERS:   Salt & Pepper & Tantrum

Casually channeling my inner couch potato! 

Today I'm wearing:
BODY:  Belleza GenX Classic
BODYSUIT:  S&P Ballet Warm Up Leotard @Fameshed
SOCKS:  Tantrum Bobbi's Socks #20 @The Arcade
HAIR:  Unorthodox Flow Curls
RINGS:  Ysoral Luxe Butterfly set

Warm Up set leotard is rigged for GenX Classic, Maitreya, Petite and Reborn.  This leotard is sold by body type with full color HUD.  Megapack includes all bodies and the entire 7 piece set shown on My Korner #1155.

Bobbi's Socks are rigged for Legacy, GenX, Maitreya & Kupra and come in 20 colors.  Set has 2 rares.


Sunday, March 12, 2023

My Korner #1164 - The Big Day!

BLOG NAME:    The Big Day! 
FEATURED DESIGNERS:   Salt & Pepper, United Colors & Avada

I'm nervous but I think I'm ready! 

Today I'm wearing:
DRESS:  S&P Marry Me Dress @Equal10
COLLAR:  UC Dolores Collar @C88
VEIL:  S&P Marry Me Veil @Equal10
HAIR:  Doux Milena Hairstyle
NAILS:  Avada ~ Stiletto Arlia Nails
EARRINGS:  Avaway Kath Earrings
BOUQUET:  L&B Swear Evocative Floral Lily&Rose Gossamer Jade Bridal Bouquet
BRACELETS:  Naomi Pearl Bracelets
BACKDROP: Amitie Essentiel BACKDROP Fatpack

Marry Me Dress is rigged for Belleza GenX, Maitreya, Petite, Reborn and Juicy. Veil is rigged or unrigged.  Also comes in overalls.  Dress or overalls sold by body type with full color HUD.  Veil sold as fatpack.  Megapack includes all.

Dolores collar is rigged for Legacy, Perky, Perky Petite, Maitreya, Petite and Reborn.  Comes in 8 single colors or all in 1 pack.  Fabric, lace, pearls, petals and metal all change via HUD.

Arlia nails are rigged for Belleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  Comes with nail applier HUD with 17 beautiful tones.


Saturday, March 11, 2023

My Korner #1163 - The Magic Of Nature!

BLOG NAME:   The Magic Of Nature!   
FEATURED DESIGNERS:   Yasum Fashionart & Avada

The view just makes me want to dance around in circles.

Today I'm wearing:
JUMPSUIT:  Yasum Tutsy @Equal10
HAIR:  Moon. Hair // Nectar
NECKLACE:  Yasum Shari Necklace
CHEST TATTOO:  Elephant Love Tattoo [CAROL G]
BRACELETS/RINGS:  Avaway Letter Bracelets & Rings Set
EARRINGS:  Avaway April Earrings
NAILS:  Avada~ Square Nails - Gold Fauna

Tutsy jumpsuit and belt are rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Petite and Reborn.  Comes in color packs with natural, paisley and needlecut textures.  Belt sold separately.  Megapack includes all.

Fauna nails are rigged for Legacy, Belleza, Maitreya, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  They come in ballerina, square and stiletto and in black/gold or black/silver. Love these! 


Friday, March 10, 2023

My Korner #1162 - Happiness Comes In Waves!

BLOG NAME:    Happiness Comes In Waves!

Nothing soothes the afternoon like a stroll along the shore! 

Today I'm wearing:
OUTFIT:  Meva Polly Set @Cosmopolitan
HAIR:  Doux - Octavia Hairstyle
ARM TATTOO:  [White~Widow] Lagaan - B - Henna
NAILS:  Avada~ Square Nails - Gold Fauna
BRACELETS/RINGS:  Avaway Molly Bracelets & Rings set

Polly top, skirt, belt, pendants and necklace are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Petite and Reborn and come with full color HUDs.  Great for mixing and matching! 

Fauna nails are rigged for Legacy, Belleza, Maitreya, Reborn, Signature, Slink, Tonic and Kupra.  They come in ballerina, square and stiletto and in black/gold or black/silver. Love these! 


Thursday, March 9, 2023

My Korner #1161 - Frappuccino To Go!

BLOG NAME:    Frappuccino To Go! 
FEATURED DESIGNER:    LSR Originals, Monso, Avada & 777 Motors

My favorite, mocha frappuccino double blended! Great for a spring day! 

Today's Features:
TOP/SKIRT/BELT:  [LSR] Sexy Yaneth Suit Fatpack PushUp @Cosmopolitan
SHOES:  [LSR Shoes] Sexy Yaneth Heels Fatpack @Cosmopolitan
HAIR:  [monso] Meiko Hair 
NAILS:  Avada Bento Nails (S) - Nudes 
NECKLACE 1:  Amias - Leanna Necklace
NECKLACE 2:  Orsini Jewelry Farrah Necklace
CHEST TATTOO:  Elephant Love TaTToo [CAROL G]
UNDERBOOB TATTOO:  Swallows Loves Underboob TaTToo [CAROL G]
CAR:  [777] Commander [Remastered]

Sexy Yaneth top, skirt, belt and heels are rigged for Legacy Classic/Perky/Nerido, Maitreya/Smash, Belleza GenX Class/Curvy and Reborn/ Juicy.  Available in single colors by regular or push-up style or fatpack.  Shoes sold as fatpack.  Big fatpack includes all.

Meiko hair has 4 head sizes, optional bangs and two-tone HUD.  Comes in 3 color sets (black & red, blonde & brown and mix & pop) or fatpack.

Avada bento nails are rigged for Legacy, GenX, Maitreya, Kupra and Reborn and have 4 lengths and come in nude tones in 4 shades (ultra light, light, medium and darks). 

Commander car has ACSv7 with realistic sounds and lights, customizable license plate, redirect system, pose for drive and passenger, 18 body colors, 5 interiors and black & chrome rims.  GTFO compatible and copy and mod.


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

My Korner #1160 - Wild & Free!

BLOG NAME:   Wild & Free! 
FEATURED DESIGNER:    Yasum Fashionart

When I'm in the water, I'm happiest! 

Today I'm wearing:
DRESS:  Yasum Jamie Dress Needlecut @Cosmopolitan
NECKLACE: Yasum Shari Necklace
HAIR:  Doux - Sophie Hairstyle
TATTOO: This is wrong Cheetah Tattoo Natural Fresh
TOENAILS:  GD Queening Square Pedi
BACKDROP:  K&S - // Freedom. backdrop

Jamie dress is rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Petite and Reborn.  Comes in silk, shirt sparkle, shirt, paisley, needlecut texture packs or megapack includes all.

Shari necklace is rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, REborn and Inithium and has 4 changeable parts (back, pendant, tassle and metal).  


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

My Korner #1159 - Tropical Vibes!

BLOG NAME:   Tropical Vibes! 
FEATURED DESIGNERS:    United Colors, Adorsy, Avada & Vinyl Apparel

Living on tropical island time! 

Today I'm wearing:
JUMPSUIT:  UC Liza Outfit @Tres Chic
SHOES:  adorsy - Nori Shoes Fatpack
NAILS:  Avada Bento Nails (S) - Nudes 
CHOKER:  Vinyl Dungeons Pearls @Uber
BRACELETS:  RAWR! Kate Breacelets

Liza outfit is rigged for Legacy, Perky, Perky Petite, Maitreya, Petite and Reborn and comes in single colors or all in 1 pack.

Nori shoes are rigged for Legacy, Nerido, Maitreya, Petite, Reborn & Juicy/Rolls and are sold as fatpack.

Avada bento nails are rigged for Legacy, GenX, Maitreya, Kupra and Reborn and have 4 lengths and come in nude tones in 4 shades (ultra light, light, medium and darks). 

Dungeons pearl choker is rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn and Kupra and comes in single colors or fatpack.


Monday, March 6, 2023

My Korner #1158 - Learning The Rules!

BLOG NAME:  Learning The Rules! 
FEATURED DESIGNERS:   Vinyl Apparel, Monso & Tantrum

Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist.

Today I'm wearing:
TOP:  Vinyl - Dungeons Top @Uber
CHOKER:  Vinyl - Dungeons Pearls @Uber
PLAID SHIRT:  SEUL - Lazy Flannel Shirt
JEANS:  Blueberry Authentic Classic Jeans
HAIR:  [monso] Emeline Hair @ Fameshed
NAILS:  Tantrum - GG Foil My Heart - Fatpack
BACKDROP:  [VOZ] Painting Studio Backdrop - With Light (D)

Dungeons top and pearl choker are rigged for Legacy, Perky, Maitreya, Petite, Reborn, Juicy and Kupra.  Top and choker each are sold in single colors or fatpacks.

Emeline hair comes in 4 head sizes, 4 breast sizes, 4 styles, optional bangs and comes in 3 color sets (black/red, blonde/brown, mix/pop) or fatpack.

GG Foil My Heart nails (finger and toenails) are rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Erika, Reborn and Kupra and come with 10 shades of pink and red. 


My Korner #1490 - Ready to Tip-Toe!

BLOG NAME:     Ready to Tip-Toe!  FEATURED DESIGNER(S):  777 Motors Nothing beats a day on the farm surrounded by these gorgeous tulips! 🌷...